Rustic Fresh Fig Tart with Lavender and Goat Cheese

I feel like this post ought to start with some quip about the inferiority of Fig Newtons and Pop Tarts. But anything I think of either sounds lame or pretentious. “Fig Newtons are only a figment of your imagination compared to this!” or  “Pop Tarts: the illegitimate child of a tart.” See? I told you– I somehow manage to be lame and pretentious (and slightly risque) at the same time.

But seriously, when this

is compared to this

who can resist being a little lamtentious?

The amounts for the filling of this tart (goat cheese, figs, ect) are just approximations. So use more or less of each ingredient to suit your tastes. The only thing I’d recommend is using a light hand with the lavender; if you overdo it your tart can end up tasting like perfume. Ideally the sliced figs would be about 1/4 inch thick. They lay better that way and are easier to eat. However, if you like me are wearing a wiggly baby, feel free to just cut them in half and be done with it.

Also, this recipe very nearly begs to be photographed. So, indulge with me in some more sexy food oggling:

Rustic Fresh Fig Tart with Lavender and Goat Cheese

For the crust:
2 cups almonds
1/2 cup arrowroot powder
2/3 cup coconut oil or butter
1 generous pinch salt
2 tbs sweetener of your choice (opt.)

For the filling:
1 cup goat cheese at room temperature
1 lb fresh figs, sliced
2-4 tbs dried lavender flowers
2-4 tbs honey

Preheat oven to 400°. In a food processor grind almonds to a coarse meal. Add remaining ingredients and process till combined. Spread mixture out on a cookie sheet in an even layer. Alternatively, you could press it out into a tart pan and have an elegant tart instead of a rustic one. I just don’t have one. Bake for 8-12 minutes. Let cool completely before proceeding.

When crust is cool, spread goat cheese over the top. Arrange fig slices in a pretty pattern like a concentric circle or a starburst. Sprinkle lavender over figs, rubbing the flowers between your fingers as you go to release their fragrance. Drizzle honey over the top. Serve immediately.

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Posted in Uncategorized 13 years, 5 months ago at 1:20 pm.


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2 Replies

  1. OMG This sounds amazing!! First of all, I LOVE everything fig-related. (Especially that you made puns out of it a few times in the first paragraph!) Second, I may have to find a substitute for arrowroot powder, but I’m sure google can assist me with that.

    I’ve got some free time tomorrow – if I can find some figs, I will definitely try this!! Thanks for sharing! Looks delicious!

  2. Sarah, You can probably just use plain flour. The arrowroot is what’s holding it all together and flour would do the same thing. Let me know how it goes!

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