An auspicious find
aus pi cious [aw-spish-us]
1590′s “of good omen,” from L. auspicium, divination by observing the flight of birds, from auspex, “augur,” lit. “one who takes signs from the flight of birds
1. promising success; opportune; favorable: an auspicious occasion
2. favored by fortune; prosperous; fortunate
3. a pair of brand new snow boots bought on the very same day the decision to move to Chicago was made; preparedness for real winter; thrifted on the cheap from His House on River Dr.: These auspicious boots will keep my feet warm this winter in Chicago.
Tags: Chicago, thrifting, winter
Posted in Uncategorized 12 years, 8 months ago at 3:46 pm. 3 comments
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What?!? Chicago! That sounds like fun! When are you going? Will you have a chance to come visit us before you leave?
More like bodacious boots! Now you need a read jacket to go with those boots! I really am so happy for you all… I’ll miss you and the bear greatly.
Yup, thems r snow boots! Wow! What’s up?