Milestones: the first balloon

Like all first balloons worth their helium, after it played awhile it slipped away unnoticed into the sky.

Posted 11 years, 10 months ago at 9:49 pm. Add a comment

Milestones: the first splinter

It happened somewhere between the slide and the changing table. That’s all I know. The little trooper didn’t even cry when it happened.

The tweezers were a no-go. He was too interested in the new “toy” to let me use them effectively at all.

Any tips on how to get a splinter out of a toddler’s hand? Or do you just leave it there and hope for the best?

Posted 11 years, 10 months ago at 8:42 pm. Add a comment

Milestones: Helping

Ever since Aunt Rachel and Tiffany visited and showed him where the silverware goes, he’s never let a dishwasher-door-open moment pass without helping put away something. His favorite are the spoons. Dirty ones.

Posted 11 years, 12 months ago at 8:12 pm. 1 comment

Milestones: Ordering food just for him

After several eatings out where I was left slightly peckish due to a certain Little Man picking off my plate, it was clear it was time to start ordering some food just for him. Though in typical baby form, when we ordered him this bowl of fruit, he decided he wasn’t hungry. Or at least had more of an appetite for spoons and napkins than he did for fruit.

Posted 12 years ago at 8:43 am. 1 comment

Milestones: First Wind Blown Hair

Posted 12 years, 4 months ago at 9:19 am. Add a comment

Milestones: The First Flavor

Posted 12 years, 7 months ago at 7:58 pm. 2 comments

Milestones: The First BooBoo

Posted 12 years, 8 months ago at 6:28 am. 2 comments